Election Information

To register to vote, check your voter history, or check the status of your absentee ballot

State of Wisconsin Election Commission

The State of Wisconsin Election Commission has all the forms available for download at their web site. Below are links to some of the most requested forms.


See below for absentee form to mail in, fax, or scan or go to MyVote.wi.gov to register yourself.  Using the MyVote.wi.gov is the most easiest way to register as your Driver's license information is used within the system.  


Polling Place:  Jean M. Thomsen Memorial Libary Community Room. Please enter at North door of library and exit at East door of the library for a smooth traffic flow!

Polling Hours:  7:00 am to 8:00 pm

Fall Primary- August 13, 2024

Fall General -November 5, 2024

If  you are an indefinitely confined voter, you must return your ballot for each election in order to stay on the list. Failure to return a ballot voids your indefinitely confined status until you renew it.